Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Stufff

Couple of new drawings I'm doing because I am scared to do a comic page,,,LOL. The guy and lady by themselves are characters from a series I'm reading called Armagettons children. Logan Tom and Angel Perez. Both are knights of the word and are charged to help mankind survive an up coming nuclear holocaust. The couple is me messing around STILL with my H.V.H characters. Anywhoo tell me what you think.



Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Junk

Here is a couple of drawings I have started. One is of my character Gabriel from H.V.H. And I'm finally doing a comic these are the scripts and thumbnails I did while writing. I am going to show my process from start to finish so if anyone has any suggestions they can holla at me. Gabe is done in penicil with inks and color coming. And the layouts will be coming in the next few day

Never be short on CREATIVITY!!!!


Friday, October 2, 2009

Life Drawing

Here is a few pics from a Figure Drawing class I went to. Critiques still suck LOL,,,,,I think the guy was angry or something,,,but he was pretty cut and could hold a pose for a min...the sitting pose he reminded me of an angry god,,so I thought of Amen Ra

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Here is a design I did while warming up and I liked it. It's Panther from Terry Brooks Armagettons children. He's the only survivor of a community that was killed my demons. Tough street kid and my favorite character of the series




Here is another design for my comic i am working on. He is a rip off of the Undertaker,Kane,Bogey Man schticks. Also he is the closest thing to me putting me in a comic LOL


Oh Yeah I did s new header tell me if you likes it


Monday, August 10, 2009

More Character Design from Booger Eaters

Here are the first 3 designs for my wrasslin comic Booger Eaters!!! The is Danny Atlas, Casey Jones Johnson, And the War Monger. Sorry my 5 yr old spilled water on them so they look little messy but you get the point

Hope Ya Likezzzzzz


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Booger Eaters!!!!!!

Hey Y'all!!!!

I havent posted anything in a while because my laptop is dead...... :( I am accepting all donations for a new one howeva..LOL. These are a couple of character design I've done for a Wrestling comic idea I've been throwing around since my college days. So I'm going to use this book as a spring board to get used to layout and page design. Each issue is going to be presented like an episode of RAW or SmackDown. I'm not going to develope the characters beyond on camera fueds and rivalries.

Tell me what ya think

Hope Ya Likeys


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Beta II

This is my 1st hero team I created when I was 12. I dont remember the rest of the team but there were 2 more. The guy with the goggles(obvious that I like cyclops) was supposed to be more of a rip off of snake eyes. His name is NightStrike and everyone had a ninja on the team back in the day. The leader was my tank character ShatterStorm. He is 3rd in line for the throne of a distant planet. His father made him serve in the galactic police. And the last guy is WildSide. He is an energy being that focuses that energy thru his suit. Ocean was our universe back then. Magna Force protected the earth. Beta II protected earth from space. Masked Avenger and Venger were protectors of I always thought Peoria LOL,,,,,And Colonel Awesome led the Galactic police. The thing about Beta II I only drew 4 issues and 1 super graphic novel for them. But I put the most thought,,,well for a 12 yr old into them. I had the base drawn out,,,Marvel was doing blue print comics for their teams at that time,,, I fleshed out the characters more than Venger,,,,but I didnt draw them alot because once I got older I realized that my characters looked too much like mainstream comics and I put them on the shelf,,,,HMMM maybe I bring them out Again,,,,Holla back Kevin I hope ya DIGZZZZ IT

Friday, April 24, 2009

This is the first assignment for my correspondence course I am taking thru the Joe Kubert School of Cartooning. Here is the assigment tell me what u think

Devote the upper two thirds of your assignment to design your main character. Use any style humorous or otherwise. The bottom 1 third is devoted to the 3 panel script

Script: Panel One: Long shot panorama of a western ghost town. In the distance we see a small dust cloud

Panel Two: The dust cloud turns out to be a cowboy on a horse

Panel Three: Angle from inside a wrecked shack, as the concealed villian takes aim with a rifle at the unsespecting cowboy.

This is the step where i blow it up to light box it onto my page and finish it out so not everything is finished just layed out

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Start of Winter

Here is my final season. I made Winter still and the only one looking up. She has to weather the darkest and coldest the earth has. I also made her shading extreme. I didnt want any mid tones.


Now I gotta figure out a color scheme and maybe some backgrounds

Start of Fall

Here is my Fall. She is in the most motion because I think of Fall as the season of the harvest and festivals. She is also the black beauty because the season changes things into wonderful shades of brown.


1 more

Monday, April 13, 2009

Start of Spring

Spring is my fav time of year. I say the earth comes back to life. So for my Spring I used a pregnant woman. Shes content and bursting with life inside. I used more shading with her than Summer partly because I wanted her to appear more soft, and touchable.


Only 2 more togo then I can think about coloring,,,,any ideas????

Start of Summer

This is the start to a idea I had a while back. I wanted to do the seasons as women, this is the first one Summer. Now only 3 more to do LOL


Saturday, April 11, 2009


Here is another post in one day!!!! Awesome LOL,,,,,,Panthro my Favorite Thunder Cat. I spent alot of money on PrismaColor markers and NO GREY so I used my sons Crayola marker. I didnt have any color for his chest so I left it white for now


Friday, April 10, 2009

Darth Maul

Hey I am posting kinda late tonight,,,,,long day at the store but I couldn't sleep until I finished this Darth Maul sketch I started last night. Done in pencil India Ink and PrismaColor Markers

Hope ya Like it !!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Getting back


Been a while since I last posted anything new. Well since I have to work early in the morning I thought I'd do some warm ups sketches tonight. I'm thinking about doing grad school thru the Savannah School of Art and Design. So I am going to use my blog as my portfolio. So if you visit leave a note tell me what u think. What you like dislike. Help me out. I need to decide if I want to do illustration and get my masters. Or do sequential art and get a bachelors. Drop me a note. Help a brotha out!!!!!!!!
The first is pretty much the final look for my HVH main characters. The second is the start of a drawing my daughter wanted me to do for her. It's my take on someone wrapped up in Rock Band. ENJOY!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Snake Eyes

Here is my fav JOE,,,,,SNAKE EYES


Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Jedi fun

Couple more Jedi drawings I'm doing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Character Study

Here is my character study of Luminara and Kit Fisto. A friend of mine is a toy designer. He told me i need to draw more known characters if I wanted to break into his career field. I had given up on a working in a art career field till now. So here is my first


Death of a Bounty Hunter Birth of a Sith

Finally my back is well enough for me to post some. Here is a few StarWars things I did.My son is soo into this. Looks like I'll be making Lucas rich for another 10 yrs LOL!!!
